Caring For and Supporting Teenagers?
Move From Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm To Calm, Confident & Connected
If you are a Parent, Caregiver, Grandparent, Coach, or Therapist supporting a teen in your life, do you experience any of these concerns?
- Do you want to ensure your teen's growth and success?
- Are you stressed because your teen does not respect you or listen to you?
- Is your teenager OK, but you have concerns about the relationship?
- Do your young adults virtually ignore you? (except when they need something.)
- Does your own home feel like a war zone and chaos all the time?
- Is your young adult suffering from low self esteem and lack of confidence?
- Are you awake at night wondering what might happen to your teenager?
- Does communicating with your young adult feel like you're talking to a wall? (or worse)
- Do you want to prevent drug use, alcohol abuse and sexual promiscuity?
- Is your formerly-happy teen struggling to communicate and depressed?
- Does Parent – Teen communication need help or seem impossible?
- Are you seeing sudden or gradual changes that concern you?
- Are you concerned about your son or daughters internet use?
- Is there something else worrisome to you?

The ParenTEEN Experience is based on 30 years of successes by
Rabbi Ezra Max, PCC in developing & supporting healthy happy functioning teenagers.
If you have any questions please reach out ...
Contact Us"Rabbi Max's unique approach redefines believing in, supporting, and promoting growth. His ability to recognize strengths and access potential, unleashes transformational change and the ability to soar."
Leah Schnall, MSW, CFC
Former Principal, Shalva High School
"Rabbi Ezra Max is such an energetic, loving, creative soul. He brings important brilliance and inspiration to those of us who need it during this most challenging time. As a parent of a teenager, I’m so happy to know him and have him as my colleague."
Reggie Melrose, PhD, Best Selling Author, Creator of The Brain Charge and Mom
"Rabbi Ezra Max's presentation was super interesting, engaging, and informative! I walked away with practical advice that I was able to easily apply. I highly recommend Rabbi Ezra Max!"
Esti Lowenbein. Realtor, Investor, and Mom
"Rabbi Max offers clarity and direction along with a strong support system that demystifies many areas in parenting and relationships. He is and always has been our go-to in any situation, which leaves us feeling empowered in ourselves and our relationships!"
Mrs. Suri Weisz, Kallah Teacher and Mom
The ParenTEEN Experience!
For over 30 years, Rabbi Max has been adapting this unique model for working with youth and now so generously offers his tools, resources and approaches to parents, professionals and any adult who is deeply concerned about our teenagers and young adults.
Join the ParenTEEN Movement!